Hot Chip + Gang Gang Dance + Someone Else, Webster Hall

As we all know, CMJ is back in New York City in full force this week. Every day is jam packed with events to attend, almost too many to handle, and as luck would have it working for the Sarah Lawrence College Radio Station has provided for me one highly coveted pass. Little did I know I would have to pick it up in the distant land that is the Upper West Side. So seemingly far away, that I was tempted not to get it at all, but alas, our good friend Lindsay needed accompaniment to a show on Thursday night, so I decided I should get it after all. Running into the city quickly after class one day, I hopped on the subway straight to Lincoln Center and picked up my badge (which came with a lot of other goodies too, I would highly recommend obtaining one for future CMJ Marathons) returning to school within two hours time. Now I was good to go, pass in hand, ready to conquer CMJ, or so I thought. It turns out that having a pass when you’re under 21 isn’t so handy seeing as most of the good shows are at trendy bars not catering to the younger set. Also, at each show they only permit a certain amount of badge holders so you have to get there excruciatingly early and are forced to watch the opening acts we so many times choose to skip. So, now you’ve been forewarned.
Fast forward to Thursday night, Lindsay and I arrived at Webster Hall around 6:30, in time to see the two opening acts. The first of which was a duo who shall remain nameless because they failed to tell us who they were. One guy was on drums and one was on keys. Their music was danceable, but nothing special, just one of those bands you struggle to talk through because they’re so loud. Next up after them was Gang Gang Dance, who I’d previously seen at Across the Narrows, an outdoor festival in Coney Island. Gang Gang Dance, outside, is not bad, inside however, is a different story. They were eardrum shatteringly loud to begin with, and their songs seemed incoherent and blended into each other giving the listen no time for a break. The music was full of drawn out effects and loud noises, something one has to be in the mood for, and unfortunately that night, I was not.
Finally after sitting through two opening acts, Hot Chip came to the stage. Having never seen a picture of them, I was blown away by the motley crew that they were. Alexis was donning huge green glow in the dark glasses, while the others wore everything from evening dress suits to what seemed to be a nurse’s smock. Their awkward shyness on stage mixed with their upbeat music was definitely a sight to behold. The only complaint I had about Hot Chip’s performance was that it lacked the song “The Warning”, but besides that, I had no qualms. They made the trek to get the CMJ pass and the sitting through two unenjoyable opening acts worthwhile.
Hot Chip @ Webster Hall
1. Out of the Pictures
2. Keep Fallin'
3. Shake a Fist
4. Hold On
5. Boy From School
6. Graceland
7. (Just Like We) Breakdown
8. Colours/ Laws of Salvation
9. Beach Party
10. Not Fit State
11. Careful / Temptation (New Order)
12. Over and Over
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