Mt. Eerie, SLC 10/19/06

And Mt. Eerie played at Sarah Lawrence tonight. He sat in the corner of the Blue Room, with his soft guitar and his soft sweatshirt, and we all sat, spread out all over the floor, and he sang to us, softly.
And when it was time for him to go, he told us that he could play one more song, and that it was going to be a sing-along song, but there were too many words to tell us. So he said, 'Just read my mind, and sing along. And even if you're not really getting the brainwaves I'm sending you, just keep making noise and don't be quiet. I'll start slowly now.' And he began: 'Wwwwwhhhhheeeeeerrrrrreeeee iiiiisssssss Mmmmoooouuuuuunnnnnttttttt Eeeeeeerrrrrriiiiiieeeeeee?' And we watched his mouth and we sang along.
Mt. Eerie - The Dead of Night (mp3)
[buy Mt. Eerie/Microphones here]
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