The Electric Six: a Short History

2003: The debut album isn't released until two years later; the entire record seems to be focused on the concept of sex, mixed up with a little bit of dancing and pure, unadulterated rock and roll, with disturbingly fantastic lyrics being spewed and growled from Dick Valentine's dirty mouth.
The album introduced us to Gay Bar, and said song's obvious relationship to our 16th president and his aerobic habits.
Then, as if we hadn't already had enough, we got Dance Commander, and it would be awesome if we could dance.
2005: SeƱor Smoke is released. More of the same, except this time, Valentine does an incredibly disrespectful yet not bad at all version of Radio Ga-Ga.
Oh, and dresses up like the ghost of Freddie Mercury for the video. I think he would have been slapped if Freddie was alive. He still may be slapped by the Village People.
2006: Switzerland is released in November. One song has been released, and it is by far their best. Yes, better than Danger! High Voltage. Yes, better than Dance Commander. Yes, better than Rock 'N' Roll Evacuation. It's called I Buy The Drugs, and it's a complete homage to the Talking Heads, for some reason.
And here's the mp3, just for good measure.
Electric Six - I Buy The Drugs (mp3)
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